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woensdag 9 september 2009

Oilily strikes back!

Willem Olsthoorn, Founder and renewed owner of Oilily has launched a web shop in which old items are sold. By this he hopes the stay in touch with Oilily’s target group that still has to wait a small year for the new collection to come out.

Clothing with 50 till 70% off
By opening that leads you directly to the Dutch Brand- that went bankrupt earlier this year-communicates with their targetgroup for the First time. On virtual shelves clothing’s and accessories from summer 2009 are offered with 50% or 70% off. They also sell new bags without offering prices..

Half a Million pieces
According to De Financiële Telegraaf Olsthoorn bought Oilily back for 2,8 million Euros and he also bought for an additionally 1,4 euro half a million pieces of clothes that where left over. According to Olsthoorn is selling them in his web shop. This will prevent other parties to sell the clothes for discount prices that will harm Oilily’s A list brand image and it will also enable him to make sure that Oilily stays in the spotlight.
Fall 2010The new Oliliy collection will be launched in fall 2010.

Source: Twinke
Translation: GoodGirlsCompany

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